Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Hola from Espana

Greetings from Bar-the-lona! It feels so refreshing to be back in one of my favorite countries after three years. My apologies for the delayed post as there was no free internet connection in the Madrid airport (eek gasp) and only a one hour free wi-fi service at the Holiday Inn (Grandpa Vic should lay the smackdown on this hotel-use yo' connections OG). Oh, and did I mention that there are 54 people on our tour? Tracy High and Kimball High make up half the group and then there are two schools from St. Louis and The 'No (well, technically Sanger (shout out to Patrick-Sanger High c/o 2001)). It is quite a challenge to move 54 Americans through one of the most visited countries in Europe, but we be doin' our thang. I am so proud of our Kimball High peeps as they are embracing Spanish culture-with Sangria, Principe galletas, paella and gathpacho.

Perhaps you are wondering why I am purposefully spelling Barcelona and Gazpacho as they sound in the Castillian language. It is a challenging adjustment compared to Latin American Spanish, but now all I want to do is add the lisp sound to every word and pretending I am more lengua-savvy than I am. For those familiar with Spanish words, it is fun to order juice in Zaragoza and thank your server.  However, I am trying to blend in as much as I can by not wearing American Flag shirts or toting Jansport backpacks. I am also staying away from apple pie and hot dogs.

Wake-up call is at 7 en la mañana, pues hasta luego mis amigos y mi familia.

Falling in love with cafe con leches,



  1. Se permite los cafes con leches unicamente por la manana!

    1. pero, porque no? Me encanta cafe con leche...y también los Starbucks en Europa ha ha ha

  2. miss you erika!! have lots of fun and get yourself some jamon iberico aka pocket ham!!! =)
